Starbucks & The Laundry Love Project partnered for an LLP project in Las Vegas. As you might recall from previous blog postings, an LLP event is essentially an outreach event designed to identify areas in areas throughout the United States where LLP & any number of sponsors organize an effort to help with the expense of what some may never think twice about, LAUNDRY!
For many families and individuals these days, some of the most fundamental weekly household tasks can be as expensive and important as putting food on the table. What LLP and sponsors try to do is help with the expense of getting their laundry done for free. Many sponsors offer their products for no cost to the consumer, LLP organizes the event, and the Laundromat offers their equipment, utilities, and soap products. The end result is usually somewhere between priceless and tear-jerking. That is, those that are in need of help for whatever reason find one of the most common household tasks and its associated expense removed from their list of things to worry about in the immediate future.
Have a look at the most recent event in Las Vegas!
soak clothes in oeyxlcan and hot water for about thrirty mintues then check and leave longer if needed to save money the dollar store has generic oeyxlcan called sun it works just as good.. put about 2 scoops to one gallon of hot water .